#Wmic uninstall not in product list install#
Especially when it is intended for companies and is susceptible of being deployed and silently install on multiple computers. The installation or uninstallation silent are the basic features of a program. I do not understand it so complicated or impossible for now to uninstall silently some Adobe products. Re: Creative Cloud packager Upgrade from 2014 to 2015 Products command for silently uninstall Adobe Muse
#Wmic uninstall not in product list how to#
how to make the Creative Cloud Uninstaller run silently ? Remote Update Manager doesn't do all apps? There are already many posts that approaches the subject without a proposed solution !!! It is time that we have answers to our questions and a solution that works from Adobe about automatic and silent uninstall their products. We can not use the MSIexec command to uninstall this Adobe product ! Start /wait /D " %programfiles(x86) %\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\core\" PDApp.exe -appletID = "DWA_UI" -appletVersion = "2.0" -mode = " Uninstall" -mediaSignature = " /qn /norestartīut I have an error message back that says " This work is only valid for products Currently installed ". I tested a command lines for example, uninstall the 17.0 version of Adobe Illustrator CC 2015: If so, what parameters can I use with this binary? Will I use it to uninstall the old version ? HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft \Windows\CurrentVersion\uninstall I saw in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud \HDCore\" folder there is also a binary named "Uninstaller.exe" which is also used to perform uninstall Adobe softwares (see the Windows registry key: