Astrotortilla backyardeos
Astrotortilla backyardeos



48th Street Springdale, AR 72762 1-86 Author: Scientific Astrophotography: How Amateurs Can Generate and Use Professional Imaging Data Remote Observatories for Amateur Astronomers: Using High-Powered Telescopes From Home Mark Slade Remote Observatory (MSRO) IAU MPC W54 Equipment Wilderness, VA Mounts : ES PMC-Eight G11 + Telescope Drive Master (TDM) Scopes : ES 165 FPL-53 ED APO CF, ES 102 FCD100 ED APO CF Cameras : QHY174M-GPS + FW, QHY163C Misc : 3-inch 0. That is because the axes motion across the sky is not in line with the coordinate system unless the level is established correctly - Jerry Hubbell Vice President of Engineering Explore Scientific, LLC. HI Bill, If the level isn't very good, it will cause pointing errors, not tracking errors even with an excellent polar alignment. Messier 81 Celestron EdgeHD 8 with 0. 21:36:53,719 - astrotortilla - INFO - Solved in 13.On Thu, at 06:37 PM, bill rowe wrote: Does it cause tracking errors or just affect goto accuracy? 21:36:52,938 - astrotortilla - INFO - Parsing results. 21:36:52,392 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1: solved with index index-4211.fits.


Utilizing Full Width Half Max (FWHM) you can obtain prime focus in no time. Focusing is a snap either manually or with an electronic focuser. It comes heavily recommended and has quite a few tools at its disposal. However no matter what I try I cannot get it to solve using any pictures.


So I downloaded and installed the software (making sure I followed the tutorial advice on the Lightvortex web site). 21:36:51,957 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4212.fits, field objects 11-20). I just getting my hand back in for the winter season, and I thought I should give AstroTortilla (AT) a go. Images captured on 1/20/18 in Pittsboro, NC. This gif was generated using PixInsight's Blink tool. I found this completely by accident while looking at some old (and not great) data on M1 from last year. 21:36:51,846 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4211.fits, field objects 1-10). 464 Megaira is the 'star' that moves slightly towards the upper left. 21:36:51,737 - astrotortilla - INFO - Field 1 did not solve (index index-4212.fits, field objects 1-10). The problem I ran into was when I hit the meridian my mount stopped tracking. 21:36:49,335 - astrotortilla - INFO - simplexy: found 746 sources. 21:36:47,476 - astrotortilla - INFO - Downsampling by 2. 21:36:47,367 - astrotortilla - INFO - Extracting sources. 21:36:43,334 - astrotortilla - INFO - Using 8-bit output 21:36:43,224 - astrotortilla - INFO - Read file stdin: 5184 x 3456 pixels x 1 color(s) maxval 255 21:36:42,450 - astrotortilla - INFO - jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE 21:36:42,232 - astrotortilla - INFO - Note that the -d switch is necessary for domain users. 21:36:42,013 - astrotortilla - INFO - mkgroup -l > /etc/group 21:36:41,904 - astrotortilla - INFO - mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd 21:36:41,686 - astrotortilla - INFO - See the man pages for mkpasswd and mkgroup then, for example, run 21:36:41,576 - astrotortilla - INFO - The /etc/group (and possibly /etc/passwd) files should be rebuilt. 21:36:41,250 - astrotortilla - INFO - your gid nor your pgsid (primary group associated with your SID) 21:36:41,140 - astrotortilla - INFO - Your group is currently "mkgroup".

Astrotortilla backyardeos